Truthfulness beyond understanding

   Expressivity and insightfulness are the fundamental aspects of our connectivity in sharing one’s explorations, discoveries, or understandings. 

   Few individuals balance between meaning and way of sharing it. Their books, films, videos, and moments will remain in the memory of humanity, as we evolved through them, together, as everything else may shine shortly, fading into a mist of unconsciousness, forgotten, bouncing back in the future.

  •    Short imaginative exercise. Imagine Michael Jackson performing his songs from a wheelchair. Or Stephen Hawking presenting his theories through singing and para-dancing. Creatizyness.

   I recently encountered more people who over the last year or less started to post their insights about their discoveries on the internet, especially Youtube, since it is easier to film and speak than write.

    Lovely is to see that humanity has those people to share their understanding, helping others who otherwise with similar inquiries to solve some of the mysteries in their lives. Or miseries. I also love to see people sharing their insights through the expressivity of their voice and body, as this way, I can see a different approach to subjects that are meaningful to me. 

   I also want to share my most important discovery, regarding the way humans learn and understand the world, through perception, thinking, and emotions.

   Towards understanding, with love

   My approach to understanding a phenomenon begins with multi-perception exploration, as want to see it, hear it, touch it, sense it, smell it, taste it….feel it all. Further comes reflecting on other’s explorations, discoveries, and understandings to widen the context, in a search for as many valuable interpretations as possible. Last I contemplate the implications of that phenomenon in every aspect that comes through the mind from my memory, as I also need to feel the connectivity of that phenomenon. Those are processes that require different qualities and quantities of energy.

   Reflection can be performed by anyone, requires little energy and the quality can vary, as we all know many people who can talk until they go to sleep. Reflection can happen either consciously if one is aware of his thoughts during the process, or unconsciously when awareness is not necessary. We all have that one aunt who knows everything.

   Contemplation is a state of being in which a person can only go consciously, requiring more energy to perform it, while the quality of awareness corresponds to the quality of the insights. This process has a minimum running specification, as someone can just answer one simple question contemplatively and be satisfied with the answer without any desire to go through for the bigger picture of the truth. This would be the unconsciousness that can arise from the excitement of the discovery, which disturbs the emotional state, and further,                                     the thoughts along with the behavior.

   A qualitative contemplation moment requires a stable emotional state, in which the mind is clear of unnecessary thoughts, as visualization happens around the phenomenon. Only in this state pure insights can spring and bind into understanding. After understanding happens, a peculiar feeling emanates through the body, peacefulness of the mind, relaxation of the body, as the energy seems infinite, while one falls in love with oneself.

   On(the)line with the world

   Those who express their discoveries, observations, or profound insights, are seemingly unaware of the process that encapsulates learning, discovering, and understanding, as they just speak, some very articulated, some very expressive, and some very insightful. Yet, it seems they don’t speak for their listener, but rather listeners happen to be around and get interested in their message.

   Manifesting our insights is crucial for our evolution, as individuals and humanity, as the experiences we create for others, or ourselves solely, align our intention better to the inquiries that will follow. If we just speak without having direct feedback beyond superficial comments, the reflection of our message will be distorted, and our intention can become purely narcissistic, without empathy for human listeners. We can become little anarchist dictators, going around the world, and whenever someone doesn’t agree with our message we return to our supporting group for validation.

   I love to see videos from as many people, as listening solely to the higher authorities in various domains, such as J.B. Peterson, E. Musk, Y. Harari, A. Watts, and many others, makes my understanding grow in the beginning, but shrinks after listening too much. If I also listen to the newcomers into the world of online reflections, helps me to remember that years ago I was less knowledgeable, as often I forgot, while I kept on going with new ideas. 

   Keeping in touch with people who are trying their best to share an insight was the best feeling I had lately, even if some share total bullshit, is sincere, as that is the best they could. We all have to learn through our path and make our discoveries to create our understanding. The condition that I found regarding sharing ideas, is to do it egoless, as is important to give the insights without any expectations of the outcome and to never argue with the person sharing if the idea feels dangerous, as the idea is the one that needs arguing with.

   Exploring through ideas

   In my initial writings about my “Theory of Consciousness” ideas would hatch endlessly, and become dust just as often. During that one-month process in which I wrote about a hundred pages for a schooling system, I ended up with the need to formulate a theory about consciousness. 

   I initially designed a system for that school, from practices, project organization, theme choice, classes, reflection methods between kids and teachers….etc. After I structured the whole process of education, I realized that no one could understand it, at least not in Romania, because of the language I used. My descriptions detailed every aspect of what was about to happen daily, with variations based on the fundamentals of how consciousness happens.

   Consciousness, as most of you may know, doesn’t have a structured theory that works flawlessly, as most are total rubbish. I had to create a learning experience, a theory, through which another human could understand what I meant in the writings regarding that schooling system. Going through other theories is necessary for learning how others approached the subject, but it can also be dangerous if the reader is not aware of the meaning of the words concerning the real phenomenon behind them. As consciousness is fundamental for evolution, the meaning of the words has to change accordingly. 

   Words such as reflection, contemplation, exploration, insight, perception, along with many other words, have variable definitions, as there is not a clear understanding of how the brain works, what is the role of DNA, and what is the soul. The words are meaningless if we do not understand the phenomena described in their definitions, and while the definitions have variances, there are also interpretations of those variances. This made me curious enough to create a structured understanding of how consciousness happens.

   Discovering a theory

   But here is the tricky part. How does contemplation happen for example? How does an insight form? Where and when does it happen? What conditions are required to make the insight more qualitative? Why does the insight form, quality, or quantity have so many variations between humans….?!  Questions still come through after months of that writing, as that was only a glimpse into the phenomena involved in the existence of consciousness.

   Imagine having to go through this set of questions further in an attempt to create a structured form of understanding which can now be comprised into an hour video. All those initial inquiries raised further questions. Answering was easy, due to the fundamentals of the consciousness I discovered. Synchronizing them was the tricky part.

   The hydra within my mind grew so large it looked like a living forest. And I loved it, every moment, as the more intense it became, the better it felt. During those inquiries, many answers came out which had to be experimented with. Luckily for those who study consciousness, we only have to look at ourselves egoless as we perform the experiments, with the condition to be able to emphasize totally with people who have particular ways of perceiving, thinking, and feeling. For example, “How do we interpret writing through our mind?!”.

   Visually, auditory, subvocalization being the wording perception, we feel various emotions and thoughts as we read. The way we interpret writing is different, and to experiment with it, I read in various ways, thought about the writing either structured or creative, and felt the emotions emanating through the body, until I figured out better ways to perform this seemingly simple action. This ability is fundamental for understanding consciousness, while the opposite, total apathy, is fundamental for structuring a theory because it is good to be able not to be influenced by others’ emotions or thoughts during the creative process.

   Understanding a theory

   After one month I came up with this definition.

 “Conscious existence happens when our inner manifestation synchronizes to our outer experience, through our present awareness”.

  •    Experience means everything that happens to us, without our willing intervention.  
  •    Manifestation means everything that happens through us, with our willing intervention.
  •    Conscious relative existence is what we can actively experience in this moment, through present awareness which every living being is capable of manifesting.

   Every experience that is not connected to a manifestation remains unconscious to our awareness. The ears always take vibrations, yet only when we become aware of the sound, do we hear it. The eyes always take light, yet only when we become aware, does it become an image. The skin always feels the temperature, the nose the scent, our heart the soul. 

   Every group of cells that form together the organs in our body has their individuality. Tens of them. Through them, we can feel and perceive differently, as the nervous system connects them, and provides billions of neurons to create our present awareness.

   How does this apply to our daily lives makes us unique individuals and all life existence is based on the fundamentals related to that quoted writing.

   Experimenting an idea

   The experience of vibration going through our hearing mechanism becomes part of our conscious existence only when we manifest our inner emotion synchronized to it. The role of awareness is to interpret the pattern in the vibration heard, and the emotion which vibrates from within ourselves. The quality of this interpretation results in the quantity of our present conscious experiences and manifestations.

   Theory can only explain this far, as there is more for me to discover from it, and practice must go along for meaningful insights to come through (experience & manifestation). For you, reader, to understand what I meant in the prior writings,  do the following practice, as this is one of the situations I placed myself in during the study regarding Consciousness. 

     In a silent room, put your headphones on, your favorite piece of music, and sit on your back. 

  • Listen to it as you usually do the first time. 
  • The second time, try to relax every muscle as the song goes on and notice every twinkle in your body. 
  • Third time, listen with a focus of awareness around your ear only and ignore everything that happens in the rest of the body. 
  • Fourth time, move awareness through the body continuously, focusing on each important part for a short moment. 
  • Fifth time, listen with a diffused awareness of the whole body, without focusing on a particular part. 
  • Sixth time, move awareness on your thoughts only without interfering with your emotions. 
  • Seventh time, listen to the song as you usually do….if you can 😂.

   Imagine now that every vibration intercepted by your ear always dissipates throughout the whole body, as you only become aware of parts of it, while everything else will manifest unconsciously, guiding your inner experience of emotion beyond your present awareness. Before that becoming sound, the awareness of the vibration coming through the ear has to be active on the perception and on the emotion that emanates from within us.

   As a direct consequence of this, every emotion you manifest creates a reverberation within the body that can either collide with the sounds you hear, creating an unconscious reaction or synchronize with them, thus becoming part of your conscious experience of life. Consciousness is easier to feel than to explain, as a longer description of something that happens within an instant of a moment can make most people flee, freeze, or fight. If you read until now, you may have a chance of understanding, a change directly proportionate to the effort you will make, and inverse squared to the energy you put in.

  Back to reality

   Fantastic human explorers share their insights on YouTube and I love them all, as though their manifestation and of those around me, my understanding grows, my insights become more profound, my message clearer. I may be able to follow on average fifteen minutes a newbie a day and an hour of Y. Harari a week. More will be pointless, as the information from the newbies is mostly meaningless, but their way of thinking can be helpful. Experienced personalities have a way of thinking that is very structured and creates stiffness in understanding new ideas, but the information revealed can be very helpful.

   I would love to see how their way of being also changes if they sit with themselves and write to create a structure for their understanding. What I see in them is more belief rather than faith in their insights, and this can become dangerous further in life, as they should feel it, as I did before.

   On my behalf, I know that my insights have a high quality of value since those who listen patiently had realizations beyond my initial expectations. I also know that I lack emotional expressivity which is the cream of a beautiful reflective discussion. Explaining my theory of consciousness in a way that every reader can understand is still a progressing work, as I intend to create learning experiences through more than words and petty images, and structure the knowledge less densely.

   I also know my manifestations through speech, writing, or drawing are very dense, as I consider every word or line to be important. This can make a reader abandon something that could offer him a meaningful insight, and this is a problem for me, as I often feel misunderstood. I feel that effort has to come from my behalf because that is the price for my realizations about the mechanics that I discovered regarding consciousness.

   I asked the universe for these insights. I willingly created a structure for them, and now is the time for sharing, which for me is still mysterious, yet for those YouTubers feels natural. I intend to leave this life surrounded by a more conscious humanity, for which I have manifested every meaningful insight I get. I encourage you, readers, to do it too. Is beautiful. Even more so, if you create an easier exploration path with more complex experiences for others to go through. 

   “An idea can be a useless thought or become a profound insight, which can further become a wonderful realization or a dangerous path to go through. Ideas are creations of the mind, while the intention of using them springs through the heart, from the world around.” (me after writing this)

   “Wasted your time on this writing you shall, nevertheless, do so you must” (Master Yoda, from a far far away galaxy)